Confinement January 9th, 2021 to February 8th, 2021:
Message from the Quebec Federation of Snowmobile Clubs

Terrebonne, January 7, 2021 - Following Premier Legault's press conference yesterday, January 6th, 2021, we are pleased to confirm that snowmobiling activity can continue during the planned lockdown until February 8th. Snowmobiling is an outdoor sport, it can be practiced individually or within the family bubble, so we are fortunate to be able to continue our activities. However, it is essential to adapt the practice of the snowmobile activity to the sanitary measures in place:

Respect, amongst others :

  • The curfew*
  • People in the same family bubble
  • Signage in place in the establishments
    • No. of people inside
    • Break time
    • Queues
    • Etc.
  • Physical distancing
  • Wearing a mask
  • Hygiene rules

We need to be even more demanding of each and every one of us, our organizations and our volunteers if we are to continue to operate in a safe and secure manner. We have the opportunity to keep our snowmobiling activity active during the confinement, show our recognition and awareness by respecting the sanitary measures in place, the activity depends on it!

* According to the Law, traffic is prohibited everywhere between 24 hours and 6 hours (Article 74, OHV Law), unless a by-law of a municipality/MRC provides otherwise and signage in conformity with the standards is installed at the entrance and exit of the zones with a different schedule than that provided for by the Law. However, the curfew in effect from January 9th to February th8, 2021 adds restrictions for snowmobilers. Snowmobile traffic will therefore be prohibited from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. until February 8th.

Let's go on an adventure

The crisis we are currently experiencing is temporary and life will return to normal sooner rather than later. In the meantime, there are ways to enjoy our favorite hobby. Knowing very well all the positive, physiological and mental benefits of snowmobiling, it will be more important and beneficial than ever to get out and participate in an activity that brings us so much. So, while respecting Public Health guidelines, challenge yourself, adapt your practice, you won't regret it! 

What to do in my area

Quebec is recognized worldwide as a snowmobile destination. Breathtaking landscapes, long trails through magnificent forests, mountains, fields and valleys, this is the best way to enjoy this winter. Each region of the province offers its unique charms so, while respecting the instructions to limit travel between regions, take the opportunity to rediscover the particular charms of your respective region by visiting them again!

The FCMQ invites you to visit the following websites:

Raising Awareness

Our mandate is to increase awareness of snowmobilers' compliance with the health measures in place. In order to do so, trail patrol officers will ensure and verify during their outings, that sanitary measures are adopted, as much as the use of shelters without services or shelters to warm up, as to ensure that there are no outside gatherings.

About the FCMQ

The Fédération des clubs de motoneigistes du Québec is a non-profit organization with over forty-four years of service. It is dedicated to the development and promotion of the safe practice of snowmobiling throughout Quebec. The FCMQ defends the interests of its 198 member clubs and their 100,000 snowmobiling members, as well as those of all people, whether they are initiated or not to snowmobiling or simply tourists. More than 4,500 volunteers devote nearly 800,000 hours each year to maintaining the provincial snowmobile trail network.



Media relations - Fédération des clubs de motoneigistes du Québec (FCMQ) 514 252-3076 or 514 268-2649

Press release Here